LinkedIn Headshots


High Lookability LinkedIn Professional Headshots Examples

Filling 60% of the space. Giving maximum lookability.

Opening doors and drawing opportunities for you 24 x 7.

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LinkedIn - your golden opportunity for success!

LinkedIn is a professional network dedicated to putting people together. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network of over 756 million users. LinkedIn is the single largest source of opportunity for job hunters, client seekers, and customer delighters. And I help you make connections and draw opportunities to you in this awesome marketplace.

Why is your LinkedIn profile headshot so important?

Humans are innately wired to make snap judgments based on appearance, whether in person or in pictures. On LinkedIn your chief, first-impression tool is your LinkedIn profile headshot. That initial first-impression is based solely on your profile image. You are now in the world of Internet social media and visceral gut reactions.

  • Your LinkedIn profile picture always makes a strong first-impression, good or bad, on the viewer. This strong reaction is hard-wired in we humans. Your profile headshot represents your sole opportunity to make a strong, positive, first-impression. If you lose this lookability battle, you may get "LinkedIn connection requests," but you will not be considered a top player.


  • You will win this critical, first-impression battle if your headshot is one of our high lookability, Top 1% Headshots., which show you as approachable, competent and trustworthy to be their business answer.

  • Your LinkedIn profile-headshot determines how people perceive you on LinkedIn. People choose and hire people who they think can solve their problems and make their lives better. It is not about your needs, but theirs. It is not about your opinions, but theirs. If your headshot has high lookability, people will want to connect with you because you look like you can deliver good answers for them. This is the path to, not just LinkedIn connection requests, but for life-changing, interview requests. Connection requests are nice, but interview requests are GOLD!

  • You may not be required to submit your photo in an application, or even to put one on your business website. But rest assured, recruiters and HR people, will look you up on Google and especially on LinkedIn. If you are a service provider, potential clients will do the same, looking for your Internet imagery. This makes your imagery a "make or break" reality. This makes the quality of your LinkedIn profile a "make or break" reality in your life.

We humans are hard-wired to spot genuine verses fake expressions with the slightest cues, whether in person or in photos. This is the power of the Internet. With a right, but rare, high-lookability, Top 1% Headshot, it can positively market for you 24 x 7, opening doors and drawing opportunities, even while you sleep.

If your LinkedIn Profile Headshot is done to a mediocre, but sadly very common, low- or zero-lookability level, your headshot can:

  • Kill your job hunt,
  • Repel clients,
  • Crush your dreams,
  • Cost you thousands of dollars in lost opportunities,
  • And unless you figure it out, you will never know.

On LinkedIn you are now in the world of the greatest group of business professionals in human history, with more than a billion members. Almost anyone you would ever want to meet for business purposes is on LinkedIn. But this treasure trove, and open door of opportunity, has some rules on how to use it effectively. The first is the quality of your LinkedIn profile headshot.

First Impressions are Driven by Automatic Human Reactions.

In today's image-driven world, almost everyone will look you up on the Internet prior to contacting you. People make snap impressions of safe or not-safe in 4 milliseconds. This is the critical First Impression. You will lose this vision game with an inadequate, mediocre, low-lookability headshot, and the viewer will make a snap decision against you, even if you have a hot referral or an awesome resume.

  • Even if you do have someone giving you a hot referral, or you have an awesome resume, the reviewer will still look at your headshot to see if it fits your other marketing materials. And this will still generate that same strong reaction. This is a visceral human reaction, the famous gut-reaction, which almost uncontrollably makes a snap decision to focus on the image, or quickly look away. This is all driven by automatic human responses. It has nothing to do with attractiveness or beauty, but can control your future by the quality of your headshot.

  • To those in the "know" about image lookability, it is a golden opportunity to jumpstart your future with high-lookability images. To those ignorant of it, this ignorance is the path to disappointment and continually being blindsided.

Even if you want to look at that LinkedIn profile image, you will instinctively look away if you spot any tiny signs of danger, self-centeredness, fear or fake expressions. If your headshot has the features of approachability, competence, and trustworthiness, the viewer will look at your image, and since it is a business site, want to meet you, like you, see you can be trusted to get the job done for them, and want to contact you. This is the path to interviews.

We use the term lookability as the focus is keeping the viewer's gaze on your image with a positive attitude. Other terms include likability, influence, acceptance, genuine, real, trust, confidence and competence. All this is included in the term, "Lookability." All these things are what people see in a high-lookability, Top 1% image.

When you hire me as your photographer, you also get me as your personal brand manager. I have over 30 years experience in national- and international-level marketing. The one thing I want and strive to produce for you is images that bring out your confidence and approachability to maximize your image lookability.

That is to secure the attention of the viewer to perceive you as competent, confident, easy to work with, and will deliver what they need. This is the path for those awesome, life-changing and life-expanding interview calls. This is where your personal satisfaction and financial results are for you. Not just LinkedIn connection requests, but opportunity interview-requests!

Expression Coaching.

We see actors fake expressions almost moment by moment in movies and on TV, and we are totally unaware of it. You can see people crying or laughing in response to what they see and hear, totally unaware they are being manipulated by controlled expressions. But if the actors are caught faking it, many people will get almost angry, or just look elsewhere.

But if the actors are well-coached, the audience will never know. This is the kind of professional coaching we give during our shooting sessions. And you will actually experience the accompanying emotions of joy, happiness, confidence and acceptance. And that will translate to your face in your real expressions that convey genuine approachability, competence, confidence and trustworthiness. We capture those real moments to create high lookability images of you that open doors and draw opportunities to you.

I create high lookability images that win the vision battle with the viewer for you, to open doors of opportunity for you. All from a seemingly simple photograph. But this is not a simple photo, it contains high technology developed and proven over years to work for you 24 x 7.

Tried by fire, not opinions.

Peter Hurley is the world's top headshot photographer, and expert on image lookability. As a member of Peter's Headshot Crew, my portfolio was competitively reviewed by Peter, and I am now on his shooting team. I can do it for you.

  • Peter's PH style was developed in the hard and cruel world of actors and models submitting headshots to harried casting directors. These casting directors must quickly sift through hundreds of headshots daily for 3-6 interview slots, and then make one final selection for each casting slot. They start all this with about 5 seconds or less per each headshot image. To do this they go through hundreds of headshots for each casting interview.

  • Only winning, high-lookability headshots get these interviews. And then these casting directors must live with their decisions at great risk in production costs, financial results, and of course, their reputation. And that is definitely not the world of most so-called “LinkedIn Profile Photo Experts,” LinkedIn engagements, or most professional photographers for that matter.

  • This is much like a typical job application process where there are usually hundreds of fully qualified resumes that seem to fit each job vacancy. Then the recruiter or HR hiring team goes through the resumes and headshots (from Google and LinkedIn searches), to make the final selection of 3-10 for management to select who to call for an interview. It is similar to the world of a casting director, with a 2-5 second review of each headshot and resume.

  • When all resume's are similar, your competitive edge, your secret weapon, is a high-lookability, current headshot. Especially when 99.99% of professional or amateur headshots are mediocre at best. High-lookability headshots are presently extremely rare; if you have one, it can be your "ace in the hole."

LinkedIn Connection Requests are 'No Skin' Requests: The standards of LinkedIn for profile pictures is based on equal "engagement" in a general social media sense, and thus requires very low lookability, if any. What LinkedIn stresses is photos that show you are a living human being, not your approachability, competence, trustworthiness or reliability. Those making or accepting these LinkedIn engagements are not risking their lives, finances, futures or reputations in talking to, or "connecting" with you. That is, there is "no skin" in the game of making a LinkedIn connection. It is not a marriage engagement; just a safe handshake in a crowd.

And this LinkedIn engagement is not the world of hiring managers who must live with their decisions. LinkedIn profile photos can be adequate with low- or zero-lookability. It is not a standard on what it takes to provide high lookability for purposes of competitive advantage among many potential candidates.

For every job there are hundreds of applicants. For every expert seeking clients, there are hundreds of other providers who claim they are better. This is the competitive world of job and client hunters. My fire-tested, PH-style, high-lookability. Top 1%  Headshots excel for you in these arenas, to pull you out of the crowd, and put you ahead of the pack.

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Don Mann LinkedIn Headshots launch your best future

Notice these high-lookability headshots below.

These images give a range of suitable smiles for approachableness. The first 2, and the 4th one, are prefect for high-lookability business/corporate/LinkedIn headshots. The third one could be used on LinkedIn and on other social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. Her smile is about as large as you can get and still retain high-lookability. Much larger smiles/teeth exposed would invoke fear in the average viewer, who would quickly turn away. For more on smile size, see my relator blog on this site.

The others are great for LinkedIn, corporate, business, or for actor or model headshots.

What Photos to Use on LinkedIn?

As we create our Top 1% Headshot images during our headshot and portrait sessions, we make a range of expressions, with multiple body and head positions. They range from high lookability to hilarious, just look on my gallery pages. Within that range will be images perfect for high-lookability LinkedIn profile headshots, and for posting on other less formal, or less-professional, social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and many others, but still with high-lookability.

  • Our regular sessions will include images the are absolutely superior for LinkedIn profile headshots. We typically do not make special sessions for LinkedIn headshots. Creating these scarce, high-lookability, Top 1% Headshots is what I do every day, and it does take a little time to create these powerful, but rare images.

  • We ask your intended uses for your images prior to and during the shoot. We use that information to make sure we include images that use the LinkedIn profile space in the best way. For example, LinkedIn recommends that your headshot should occupy about 60% of the profile circle space.

  • Our samples above, while in square format, show what this looks like prior to uploading on LinkedIn to deliver that 60% use of space. The great benefit is that this 60% rule maximizes your lookability in what is a small circle. This increases the door-opening and opportunity drawing power of your high-lookability, Top 1% Headshot.

  • If you do not have such a powerful image, people will often try to minimize their face in the LinkedIn profile shot, but that does not work. We humans are hard-wired to seek high lookability, and reject low- or zero-lookability images no matter how small or unclear the face is in the image.

  • Also LinkedIn requires a certain photo size for the profile versus posting on LinkedIn, as does almost every other social media site, and even professional websites. We re-format your select images to fit your requested uses of the images. For example, we will format your selects for LinkedIn profile formats. We will also format them for posting on the various social media sites. If you want 11x14, 8x10 or 3x5 prints, business cards, or other sizes, we will format for that in both horizontal and vertical formats.

For finals selects we will format the delivered digital files in vertical and horizontal rectangular formats, then for various digital and print uses. Thus for a single, final select image, we will deliver that image in as many as 12 or more different formats, and clearly label the format and suggested use for each one. Most are in JPG or PNG format, and TIFF for print formats.

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Tips on which image should to use for your LinkedIn profile upload.

We review the images during the shoot as part of our regular coaching process, and at the end we will again review the best shots. I will coach during the entire process which photos are best for each use. I will point out the ones I recommend for your LinkedIn profile shot or business card, or website with high lookability. I will show which ones that are still great for other social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., to show a well-rounded view of who you are. I routinely have clients select 5-10 different images for these uses.

One reality is that most people are not aware of what a high-lookability image looks like. Most people see low- or zero-lookability images in every form a media possible, including their school, family, and friends photos, magazines and cell phone/iPhones. Many look at these many times every day, so these are their standards. For marketing effectiveness this is a big mistake. In making critical marketing decisions, you should recalibrate your eyes, but not on Pinterest! I suggest you use my website instead.

  • Many confuse high-lookability or "best" with modeling headshots. There are two major kinds of model headshots:
  • One is a blank stare imitating a mindless statue or total disinterest. You see these blank stares all over the fashion magazines and other similar media.
  • The other is a big, toothy grin showing how excited they are over whatever they are selling. This is the, "Its all about me," face. The message is, "I am loving this; you should get one too." Sadly many real estate agents/realtors think this is the winning standard. This is a zero for people who are looking for others to help them. It's best use is for the new home buyers, who just bought the house, or sellers who just got more than they ever dreamed, not the, "I am here to make your life better, and can do it for you," of high-lookability.
  • Yet we find that just like actor casting calls, the high-lookability headshot gets the model the casting interview. For models we create composite cards, usually with 4 images showing how they would look in various kinds of advertising. Even some actors also get comp cards showing a range of expressions.

  • For example Martin Yate, a top job-hunting expert, wrote an article titled, "Is Your Headshot Killing Job Opportunities?" The point of his article is that job hunting (and client seeking) headshots need to be of a certain quality, or they will kill your chances, no matter how great your resume or other marketing materials. The problem is that, while well-intended, Martin's specific photo advice is really poor, but great for my clients.
  • Martin sees numerous low- and zero-lookability shots every day. What you see regularly becomes your standard. So these poor or mediocre images are his standard. But even among mediocre images, there is still an effectiveness range, unless they are compared to my high-lookability, Top 1% images, which blows them away.
  • Since high-lookability is so rare, having one will pull you out of the pack and ahead of the crowd of mediocre applicants or competitors.

  • One confused LinkedIn member said, "I am not going to use a squinty-eyed, narrow-smiled (usually a high-lookability, PH-style) headshot for my LinkedIn profile." I did not create her images, another photographer did. So I never saw the image she was ridiculing. Or maybe she was accurately describing what she got by what she called, "a great photographer."

[NOTE: In my experience, when a client first sees their PH-style headshot, they are excited and in awe of how great they look. I have had many clients cry in tears, or shout in joy when they see them. They exclaim they have never seen such great images. Between the lighting and the expressions, they have never seen themselves so confident and approachable, or so photogenic. This is the power of a high-lookability, PH-style headshot.

- Her experience is not what I would expect from a proper, PH-style headshot. Rather, I expect her "great photographer" blew it, and she got a pile of images I never would have let out of my studio.

- In fact, when people see their PH-style headshot they say things like, "I am smoking," "I am hot," and women especially say, "I am sultry, WOW!" All this in a perfectly-valid corporate headshot or LinkedIn profile shot. I am sorry for this confused LinkedIn member, maybe one day she will allow me to help her with some real "heat."]

  • But in any case, she was apparently not well coached. During her session, I would have told her to use her other low-lookability images on her LinkedIn Profile "Featured" section, and in LinkedIn Messages, and on Facebook and other sites.
  • Most do not wear the same clothes for a hot date, as for a serious job interview. Neither should you use the same image for a professional "Its all about you," site like LinkedIn, as for an "Its all about me," social media site. Be smart. Use different images.
  • Reserve your best, highest lookability headshot for your LinkedIn Profile Headshot.
  • You do have the right to ignore the best advice in the universe; it just lowers your chances of happy outcomes.

  • The hard reality is that if your image is not in the Top 1% of lookability, it does not draw opportunities; it closes doors to them. This is a natural human response and happens very fast (4 milliseconds, that is 0.0004 seconds). High marketing, Top 1% Headshots are rare in this world. I create these high-lookability, Top 1% images daily. I can do it for you.

My question to you.

Why hesitate? Let me put high-octane fireworks into your future. CONTACT ME TODAY.

To make your investment in your high-lookability headshot, go to the Headshots page for our PLATINIUM SESSION, Click Here

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Get Headshot Pricing: See our Platinum Creative Session for Your "Life Jumpstart" LinkedIn Headshot

Why a professional LinkedIn headshot?

It is simple. Anyone with a camera or cell phone/iPhone can take headshots and no one wants to miss a photo-op.  You can find numerous articles on how to take your own LinkedIn headshots on the cheap. The problem is, that if you don't look the part in your LinkedIn headshot, few will hire you for a top position.

I was always told to act and look like people two or three levels above you so they will think you are one of them. With a high-lookability headshot you will look the part of a top player, and can be trusted to get the job done right. A Don Mann, LinkedIn headshot reduces the risk of an opportunity thinking you are just not good enough. This is the path to that all-important interview call.

Look at the quality of my LinkedIn headshot samples above. These are high-lookability images that draw opportunities to these clients, and it is impossible to create this quality without professional equipment, skilled experience, and my expression coaching.

Many skilled contractors love do-it-yourselfers. The cost to fix a poorly done DIY job is usually greater than if they had contracted an expert from the beginning. Why? Because you have to tear out and fix the DIY work before they can begin. This means the job could cost more than double than to do it right the first time. The risk in a low-lookability headshot is in lost net dollars in your life in the level of thousands, usually tens of thousands or more.

You are free to risk your future with cheap DIY solutions, or less skilled photographers (of which there are many), when effective answers can be had for a relatively small investment, usually less than a weekend getaway or a tattoo.

  • As a professional photographer vetted on LinkedIn's ProFinder, I get lots of LinkedIn connection requests, but I live for interview requests. With connection requests we may chat, but with an interview request I can help people achieve high levels of personal and business improvement. Your success is what I live for. Service requests could cost hundreds or thousands, but the money return to my clients is in thousands to millions of dollars in cold cash, every year.

  • What about other "professional" photographers? I live and breathe headshots and the involved technology. My short answer is a typical review:  * "Your work is FANTASTIC! The difference between the other "pro" headshots I had and yours is remarkable. Don, Thank you so much!" - K. K.


  • As an aware businessman, I review the public-access websites of my competitors routinely. I look at their posted images and their text. Some even talk about image "lookability, likability, etc.", but that talk almost never translates to their web images. They typically post low-or zero-lookability images in the bulk of their portfolios. I am not worried about competitive photographers in my market. I can freely state that, based on my analysis, and other's opinions, I am the best in my market.

Your Return on Investment (ROI).

For less than the cost of a few nice dinners, or your cell phone, or even your refrigerator, you can have images like mine above working for you 24 x 7 on LinkedIn, to jumpstart your future. The return for you can be thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars per year for you. The potential Return On Investment (ROI) for you is astronomical!

And in most cases, your professional LinkedIn headshot-investment is fully tax deductible. This means a significant discount for you courtesy of Federal and state tax laws for this investment in your future.

This is the right way to shoot for the stars! And it all starts with my high-lookability, Top 1% Headshots for you.

My question to you.

Why hesitate over pennies a day? Let me put high-octane fireworks into your future. CONTACT ME TODAY.

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